Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What would you do with just 15 seconds?

During the past couple of weeks there has again been escalation between the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and the nation of Israel.  On July 9th there was a new report on Foxnews that started with the title: What would you do with just 15 seconds?  The following quote from that article frames up that question (web link for the article is at the end of the blog):
"Imagine that wherever you live in the United States you have only 15 seconds to reach a secure place to avoid a rocket or missile. Seriously, count down from 15 to 1, and think about what you would do. For more than 3.5 million Israelis, Jews and Arabs, their mental stopwatch is ticking as Hamas extends the reach of its barrage from Israeli communities near the Gaza border to Hadera, 26 miles north of Tel Aviv."
In the Bible, 1 Samuel 20:3, we read of a conversation between David and the son of King Saul, Jonathan.  Saul has gone ballistic toward David, motivated by jealousy, pride, and anger the King is seeking to kill the young man.  David makes an observation that is sometimes lost as we read the stories about his life ...
"But David took an oath and said, "Your father knows very well that I have found favor in your eyes, and he said to himself, 'Jonathan must not know this or he will be grieved.'  Yet as surely as the Lord lives and as you live, there is only a step between me and death."
15 seconds.  One single step.  The brevity of life.
In the past several weeks I've officiated at two funerals of long time friends at Grace Church.  Death is a reality for all of humanity, unless Jesus comes back before that moment.  And death comes much quicker and more sudden than most of us want it to or expect it to. 
I know that this subject isn't on every one's top ten list for topics of conversation.  But it is reality and a reality that we must face - someday.  A few simple questions for you today ...
"What preparations have you made for that moment?"
1. Have you given ownership of your life to God and asked His forgiveness for your sin?  That means we must repent and believe (in the sense of commitment) in His Son Jesus.
2. Have you prepared a will or trust to deal with your estate and belongings?
3. Have you filled out a "Going Home Paper" at the church and have it on file in the office?

4. Have you provided for the future of God's ministry and your family by investing in a life insurance product?
5. Are you living a life that will be fondly remembered by others after you are gone?
15 seconds is not a long period of time, but each of us will have that amount of time tick down on the clock of life --- for one reason or another.  Now, I'm not totally ready to hear the words ... TIME IS UP (I have some things on my Bucket List that I would like to take care of).  But I am prepared in most of these areas ... are you?


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Last words ...

This morning I watched a touching video that made me think about life and those that I really care about.  If I knew I was going to die soon, lose my memory and recollection of those people that mean so much to me, move to a far away place and not be able to speak with my friends and family again ... what would I say to them NOW?
When the Lord prepared for the end of His life, He intentionally shared His heart and mind with His family and followers ... He was purposeful and passionate in what He said and in what He did.
Last words.  In forty years of ministry I've watched people say their last words ... some of those have been funny, some sad, some mean, some incoherent, and some eloquent. 
Inscription on a tombstone: "I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK"

"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror like his passengers."  Jim Harkins

"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist... "  General Sedgewick, killed at the Spotsylvania battle 1864, imprudently looking over the parapet at the enemy lines.

"Here lies an atheist, all dressed up and nowhere to go."  Inscription on a tombstone.

"It is finished."  Jesus Christ
But we will all say our last words ... and a lot of the time, we won't even realize that they are our last words.
What would you want others to hear?  To remember about you - about life?  Would you want to touch their soul?  Would you want to inspire them, instruct them, or incense them?
Take a couple of minutes and watch this video and think about your last words.  It's far better to say those things now than leave them unsaid. 
I would love to chat with you and hear your thoughts about this topic ... you don't have to share those precious words with me ... but I would like to hear what your reaction is to this video.
Last words ... you will say them some day.
